February, 2024
Oahu, Hawaii
Poka'i Bay is the most protected beach on the leeward (west) coast of Oahu. It is calm year-round, while other beaches on the leeward coast get strong surf in the winter months. There's a wide reef in the middle of the bay and the waves that break on it are usually small, which makes it a good spot for beginning surfers and snorkeling. The area remains secure and monitored by the Army, who controls the space. A Hawiian Blessing Vessel was left at one of the stairways along the beach path.
Kaʻena or Kaena Point is the westernmost tip of the island of Oahu. The point is designated as a Natural Area Reserve. The hike from North Shore is lengthy, approximately eight total miles long. It takes an hour and a half to hike to the Natural Area Reserve where one can observe nesting Laysan albatrosses and wedge-tailed shearwaters, Hawaiian monk seals, and the native strand vegetation. A fishhook vessel was left on a rock beside the trail head that explains the purpose of the reserve.
January-February 2023
Northwest Washington and British Columbia
We spent the afternoon in White Rock enjoying the sunshine and the wonderful cuisine at Cilantro's. As an early tribute to St. Patrick's Day we left an Irish blessing behind on a table facing the pier.
The wooden vessel containing an Irish blessing in a bottle was placed in a lovely sculpture along the White Rock promenade. We enjoy visiting there very much and hope a lucky finder enjoys the blessing in honor of St. Patrick's Day in March.
The beautiful weather prompted our placement of a heart blessing on a bench along the White Rock Pier and Promenade. Valentine's Day brought wonderful sunshine and lots of people were out enjoying the views.
Peace Arch Park is located at the U.S. Canada border and is a beautiful place to leave a heart blessing for the lucky finder. We enjoy visiting this park and its beautiful views, gardens and hiking trails.
Another heart blessing in honor of Valentine's month was left at the overlook in Blaine, Washington. Views from the overlook of Drayton Harbor, Semiahmoo, and White Rock never disappoint. The bottled blessing was deposited on one of the benches.
A Heart blessing was left for the fortunate person who happens to visit the Bessie and Otto Vogt Beach Access Park in Birch Bay, Washington. This is is a lovely space with beautiful views, shops and restaurants and lots of fun!
The Heart blessing was left for the fortunate person who happens to visit the pier in White Rock, B.C. The pier is located on Marine drive and is a lovely space with shops and restaurants and lots of fun!